
Review information on self-advocacy and people with intellectual developmental disabilities in Israel and around the world

Catalog # 201 | other authors : Maya Sabag, Bosmat Hoch

This study was carried out by Michlol- the Evaluation and Measurement Unit of the Shalem Fund

For the past six years, the Shalem Fund, in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Affairs has been engaged in the empowerment and visibility of people with intellectual developmental disabilities. Those, according to the Self Advocacy approach, for the aim of promoting their self-representation and to make their voices heard in the foreground
The information review presents the prevalent definition of self-advocacy for people with disabilities literature information about significant achievements of self-advocacy organizations in Israel and around the world, and self-advocacy programs in Israel and abroad, in an attempt to examine the implementation of the programs in various organizations and associations. However, the limitations of the method relating to the influence of external interests on the Group and the effect of enabling guiding wishes on the Group’s decisions, are also presented

To read the full Information review in Hebrew press here

Key Words : 

People with intellectual developmental disabilities, Self-Advocacy, Shalem Fund Study