This work was supported by a grant from Shalem Fund The present study examines how Haredi (ultra-Orthodox Jewish) mothers of children with disabilities describe their motherhood experience and how it is affected by perceptions of disability in their society. These issues were examined within the framework of a critical disability studies approach, which draws on social and medical models of disability. The study was carried out using a qualitative method. ...
This work was supported by a grant from Shalem Fund This study examined self-determination and autonomous decision-making of adolescents with disabilities. The quantitative part compared between the perceptions of teenagers and their parents. The qualitative part examined the experiences of alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) adolescent users and their parents regarding their experiences of self-determination and autonomy. This study highlights the important role that the environment plays in the cultivation ...
This work was supported by a grant from Shalem Fund. Between 2017-2019, thirty-eight individuals with moderate Intellectual Disabilities, (ID) residing in community apartments, participated in a study to improve leisure participation. While an important area of function and tool for supporting community inclusion, few studies have examined the efficacy of interventions to improve leisure participation of this population. We compared two intervention programs, Leisure Participation through Education (LPE) and Leisure ...
This work was supported by a grant from Shalem Fund This study focuses the characteristics of help-seeking and the connections between them and personal growth among parents of adolescents and young people with intellectual disabilities or with dual diagnosis. The results of this doctoral dissertation suggest that seeking help and using services are significant factors in the lives of parents of children with ID or dual diagnosis and in their ...