
Sparks project (Acceleration program in the field of information) – assessment of the training phase for entrepreneurship

Catalog # 890-643-2021

This study was carried out by Michlol- the Evaluation and Measurement Unit of the Shalem Fund

The Sparks project was developed with the aim of training entrepreneurs (from the authorities) who will create and develop new initiatives in the authorities, which will upgrade the activities of local / regional authorities in the fields of marketing, education and information at all. The entrepreneurship training phase was led by the Rothschild Cube team and the Keren Shalem team. The purpose of the assessment was to examine various aspects of satisfaction and contribution of the training phase to entrepreneurship, as well as to identify challenges and difficulties. As part of the evaluation, online questionnaires (which were developed for the benefit of the current evaluation) were submitted at the end of the program, to which 23 of the 26 participants in the program responded.

The evaluation findings indicated high satisfaction from all aspects that made up the program, as well as contribution and impact on its participants. Participants’ ability to perform most of the entrepreneurship phases was relatively high in most phases, and lower in the context of resource mobilization and measurement and evaluation of the initiative. Insights and recommendations were raised among the steering committee and are detailed at the end of the report. In order to evaluate the initiatives themselves, it was decided to submit another questionnaire in about a year.

About a year after the evaluation of the training phase, the implementation phase of the initiatives was held. for this study>>

Key Words : Shalem Fund study, Sparks project, training, entrepreneurship, information, authorities, developmental intellectual disabilities


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