
Use of technologies that assist in the diagnosis and treatment of children with disabilities (ASD, autism, rehabilitation) as part of the “Future Initiative”

Catalog # 890-311-2021

This study was carried out by Michlol- the Evaluation and Measurement Unit of the Shalem Fund

The “Future Initiative” and Keren Shalem have teamed up with the aim of examining the manner and extent of use and consumption of assistive technologies by professionals, in the diagnosis and treatment of children with developmental disabilities (0-21). The main purpose of the survey is to collect information about the means of assistive technology that are actually used, and to measure the degree of use and availability of these technologies. The secondary purpose of the survey is to collect details of people belonging to the target audience, who will be interested in joining a dedicated forum that will be opened for the development of the topic.

The research was carried out by sending a structured questionnaire that includes both closed and open questions to health professionals working under the Ministry of Welfare and Social Security and the Ministry of Health (Child Development Institutes, etc.). 136 people responded to the survey. The findings of the survey showed a relatively low degree of use of high technology means, and that the availability of these means is not high. The findings may reflect the reluctance to use innovative technologies by therapists in the field of child development, and indicate that there is a need for a deliberate effort to introduce new technological means, training and imparting knowledge.

Keywords : Developmental disability, Diagnosis and treatment, Children, Assistive technology, the Future Initiative

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